Walkability Audit January 2024
Our Green Schools Committee were delighted to welcome Travel Officer Tom back to school this week. He helped us to check how safe our school environment is for pedestrians. We all took turns using the speed gun and were delighted to see that most of our motorists were driving well under the speed limit. We also walked around our locality and made notes on dangers and hazards for pedestrians in our area.
Travel Theme - 2023 to 2024
You may have noticed members of our Green Schools Committee conducting a car park audit on September 13th. 49 cars arrived in the car park today. We will be promoting National Walk to School Week for the rest of the month. We will conduct another car park audit during National Walk to School Week to see if we can reduce our car numbers by asking families to walk or cycle where it is safe to do so. For families who cannot walk or cycle to school we hope that they can help us reduce car traffic by car pooling that week! |
Our second car park audit took place during Walk to School Week on October 4th. We promoted walking or cycling where it is safe to do so. We made our school community aware of our campaign through a noticeboard at the school gate, a colouring competition for all classes and a leaflet drop at the gate (on recycled paper!). We understand that the roads in our community are far too dangerous for most children to walk or cycle so we asked people to car pool if they could. We registered a 14.2% reduction in car traffic this week. |
Travel Survey Results - September 2023
Litter and Waste Theme 2018 to 2020We are working towards our Litter and Waste Flag and Ms. McWalter has organised compost bins for every room. Last year a new committee was formed. The committee members are James, Caoimhe C, Niamh, PJ, Lara, Peter, Jamie W, Hannah M, Rachel, Jamie E, Caoimhe M, Daniel, Niall, Emily, Jack and Hannah E.