Credit Union Quiz
The Panto comes
On Friday the 27th of January eight pupils from St. Andrew's N.S. competed in the Ashbourne area Credit Union quiz in St. Declan's school in Ashbourne. The U11 team consisted of Aoife Fay, Eoghan Burke, Nicholas Dillon and Ben Ronan. The U13 team consisted of Sophie Quinn, Jamie Fewer, Grace Deering and Anna McSweeney.
Both teams have been giving up their time at lunch time and going into school early to practice in the weeks leading up to the quiz. On the night both teams performed to the best of their abilities. There were five rounds of 6 questions each and then a short break where participants got refreshments. Then there were five more rounds for the U11 teams and seven more rounds for the U13 teams. Some questions were as easy as how many bears feature in Goldilocks or as hard as which is heavier gold or silver. By the way if you didn't know the answers, it's three bears and gold is heavier. The quiz is a fun way to learn because you have the fun of a competition and while you're there you learn lots of new information. It is a big honour to be part of the quiz team but also a big job as you have to learn certain categories which takes a lot of time but it is worth it. Even though neither team was placed it was still a great day and it was a lot of fun. I think all the quiz team members went home home proud after a great night. Thanks to Ms. Ronan and Mr. Brennan for all the practice and work they did with the teams. |
Article coming soon!