On the 19th of January 2018 Curragha National School took part in the Credit Union Quiz in St. Declan's National School in Ashbourne. It took place late in the evening. The Senior Team consisted of myself, Eoin, Aisling and Erinna. The Junior Team included PJ, Phoebe, Christopher and Lara. The Senior quiz was very close with less than five questions between all teams in the end. Two students who didn't make the team came along to support which really helped the teams morally! All in all, the evening was very enjoyable and educational and I hope the teams next year will feel the same way!
In our school we are hoping to get a Green Flag. We started the Green Schools' Committee three years ago. Our hopes are to improve our school and improve our environment. Last year a new committee was formed. The members of the committee are James, Caoimhe C, Niamh, PJ, Lara, Peter, Jamie W, Hannah M, Rachel, Jamie E, Caoimhe M, Daniel, Niall, Emily, Jack and Hannah E.